A Family (Noun, "fam-lē "):
A group of people combined by common convictions and affiliations.
For three decades, we've opened restaurants not to serve you food - but to build communities that welcome your family into ours.
We've been able to do this because of our unwavering commitment to our family's core value:
"Make everyone else's 'today' better - and inspire them to do the same."
Now, we'd like to introduce you to an entirely new experience: A Bar.
As you might expect - this bar is much more than a place to order a drink.
It's a GETAWAY - where even the grayest winter day becomes a distant memory the moment you walk through the doors and see the lush, green vines emanating from every corner.
It's an ESCAPE - where the 'cage' around you represents not an imprisonment, but an environment to find freedom from life's daily worries.
It's an ESTABLISHMENT - where the delectable drinks you order each have a unique story beneath their surface and hold within their souls the inimitable, meticulous genius of the hands that created them.
But, most importantly, it represents a VIBE - where the entire experience is Elegant, Exotic, and DIFFERENT.
...And where we created everything you see with one priority in mind:
Feel Free. Live Free. Be Free.